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Ceramic Artist

Exhibition Wellen, Wogen, Wirbel – Wasser Als Inspirationsquelle at Galerie Handwerk, München (D)

Keramik, Utställningar / Exhibitions Posted on Fri, April 26, 2024 10:58

Welcome to the Exhibition “Wellen, Wogen, Wirbel – Wasser Als Inspirationenquelle”
It is a group exhibition with several craft artist mainly from Europe. 4 of my works are included in the show, they are all made between 2018 – 2020.

The exhibition opens on 25 April and goes on until 8 June 2024 at Galerie Handwerk,
Max-Joseph-Straße 4, München, Deutshland.

Opening hours :
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 – 18
Thursday 10 – 20
Saturday 10 – 13
Sunday and Monday the gallery is closed

“Vessel no. 61”, 2020, photo: Peter Carlsson

“Vessel no 1, 2018, Photo Peter Carlsson

Fönsterutställning hos Sintra, Göteborg. Välkomna till Vernissage den 29 augusti kl 12 – 16

Utställningar / Exhibitions Posted on Sat, August 22, 2020 08:28

Small window show at SINTRA in Gothenburg. You are alla Welcome for the preview on Saturday 29 august between 12 – 16.