Exhibition Wellen, Wogen, Wirbel – Wasser Als Inspirationsquelle at Galerie Handwerk, München (D)

Welcome to the Exhibition “Wellen, Wogen, Wirbel – Wasser Als Inspirationenquelle”
It is a group exhibition with several craft artist mainly from Europe. 4 of my works are included in the show, they are all made between 2018 – 2020.

The exhibition opens on 25 April and goes on until 8 June 2024 at Galerie Handwerk,
Max-Joseph-Straße 4, München, Deutshland. http://www.hwk-muenchen.de/galerie

Opening hours :
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 – 18
Thursday 10 – 20
Saturday 10 – 13
Sunday and Monday the gallery is closed

“Vessel no. 61”, 2020, photo: Peter Carlsson

“Vessel no 1, 2018, Photo Peter Carlsson

“I Walked the Golden Path”

Groupexhibition at Velarde Gallery, Kingsbridge, Devon, UK

Vessel no. 76, 2023

The group exhibithiton “I Walked a Golden Path” was opened last Saturday at Velarde Gallery in Kingsbridge, Devon, UK.

6 brand new Vessels of mine are included in the show. Vessel no. 76 – 81.

The exhibition last until 4th November 2023.

All the artist taking part are:
Gunilla Maria Akesson, Juliett Bigley, Hanna ten Doornkaat, David Hardy, Penny Little, Tim Rawlins, Caroline Sharp, Shelly Tregoning

Vessel no. 81, 2023

Vessel no. 78

Mina bästa Kärl finns nu samlade i en bok – My best Vessels are now collected in a book.

My Book with works from the last 8 years.

Jag har gett ut en ny bok av mitt arbete med mina KÄRL under de sista 8 åren.
Med text av Carolina Söderholm, konstkritiker i Sydsvenskan och Anne Britt Ylvisåker, senior Curator vid KODE Museum, Bergen, Norge.
Foton är i huvudsak tagna av Peter Carlsson. Layouten är gjord av Lotta Vareman.
Tryckt hos Trydells Tryckeri i Laholm.
Boken är producerad med stöd från Stiftelsen Längmanska Kulturfonden och Estrid Ericsons Stiftelse. Texterna är också översatta till engelska.

Om du önskar att köpa boken säljer jag den för 150 kr + porto. Betalas med Swish inom Sverige, utanför Sverige går det bra med Pay Pal. Skicka mig en mail med din adress och tala om att du vill ha boken så skickar jag faktura + bok.

I have published a new book of my works of VESSELS over the last 8 years. 

The texts are written by Carolina Söderholm, art critic in Sydsvenskan and Anne Britt Ylvisåker, senior curator at KODE Museum, Bergen, Norway. 

The photos are mainly taken by Peter Carlsson. 
The layout is made by Lotta Vareman. 

It´s printed at Trydells Tryckeri in Laholm, Sweden. 
The book is produced with support from the Längmanska Kulturfonden Foundation and Estrid Ericson’s Foundation. 
The texts are also translated into English.

If you want to buy the book, just send me an email with your address and I will send it to you.
The book costs 150 Sek + postage, if you live in Sweden you can pay by Swish, if you live abroad you pay by Pay Pal.

Utställning hos Galleri Thomas Wallner – Solo Exhibition at Galleri Thomas Wallner

From the exhibition at Galleri Thomas Wallner.

Just nu pågår min separat utställning hos Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simrisbygata 9, Simrishamn.
Utställningen pågår fram till den 5 juni, 2022.
Galleriet är öppet torsdag till söndag mellan kl. 12 – 17. Välkomna!

Right now you can see my work at Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simris right outside Simrishamn, Sweden.
It continues until 5 June, 2022.
The opening hours are Thursday – Sunday, between 12 – 17. Welcome!

From the exhibition at Galleri Thomas Wallner.

Solo exhibition at Gallery Sebastian Schildt, Stockholm

Vessel no. 57, 2020
Vessel no 57, 2020
Handbuilt and modelled in black stoneware
photo Peter Carlsson

Mellan den 21 Augusti – 19 September är 13 av mina Kärl utställda hos Galleri Sebastian Schildt, Strandvägen 5b, Stockholm. Galleriet är öppet tisdag till fredag 12 – 18. Lördag 12 – 16. Välkomna!

From 21 August to 19 September, 2021. 13 of my vessels are exhibited at Gallery Sebastian Schildt, Strandvägen 5b, Stockholm. The Gallery are open between 12 – 18 every Tuesday – Friday , Saturday 12 – 16.
You are all welcome to visit!