I´m joining the November Exhibition at the Ceramic Museum in Höganäs, Sweden. Opening on Saturday 16 November 2024. I exhibit two of my latest works in the series of work I call “Plates” , Plates I and Plates II. The size are about 26 x 36 cm. You are welcome on Saturday. The exhibition last until 29 December, 2024.
Just arrived back home from the IAC – AIC International Academy of Ceramics Congress in Portugal, the world of tiles. The Congress offerd lots of lectures, meetings, visits in museums and visits in the old Ceramic industry and social gatherings. Meeting a lots of collegues from all over the world all with the same interest in ceramics.
It´s a pleasure to be able to join this organisation, to meet all these collegues and knowing that there are so many of us, working in this material.
Thank you to the Swedish Arts and Grants Commitee (Konstnärsnämnden) for your support, that made it possible to visit Portugal and the IAC – AIC Congress.
Welcome to the Exhibition “Wellen, Wogen, Wirbel – Wasser Als Inspirationenquelle” It is a group exhibition with several craft artist mainly from Europe. 4 of my works are included in the show, they are all made between 2018 – 2020.
The exhibition opens on 25 April and goes on until 8 June 2024 at Galerie Handwerk, Max-Joseph-Straße 4, München, Deutshland. http://www.hwk-muenchen.de/galerie
Opening hours : Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 – 18 Thursday 10 – 20 Saturday 10 – 13 Sunday and Monday the gallery is closed
“Vessel no. 61”, 2020, photo: Peter Carlsson“Vessel no 1, 2018, Photo Peter Carlsson
Groupexhibition at Velarde Gallery, Kingsbridge, Devon, UK
Vessel no. 76, 2023
The group exhibithiton “I Walked a Golden Path” was opened last Saturday at Velarde Gallery in Kingsbridge, Devon, UK.
6 brand new Vessels of mine are included in the show. Vessel no. 76 – 81.
The exhibition last until 4th November 2023.
All the artist taking part are: Gunilla Maria Akesson, Juliett Bigley, Hanna ten Doornkaat, David Hardy, Penny Little, Tim Rawlins, Caroline Sharp, Shelly Tregoning
Just nu pågår min separat utställning hos Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simrisbygata 9, Simrishamn. Utställningen pågår fram till den 5 juni, 2022. Galleriet är öppet torsdag till söndag mellan kl. 12 – 17. Välkomna!
Right now you can see my work at Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simris right outside Simrishamn, Sweden. It continues until 5 June, 2022. The opening hours are Thursday – Sunday, between 12 – 17. Welcome!
In 2021 I have become a member of the International Academy of Ceramics. For me it means being a part of an International network and community of professional Ceramists. That is for me an inspiring part of my job that there are ceramists all over the world working with clay as their medium in so many different ways.
By being a member of AIC-IAC I hope to be a part of these big worldwide connections of my colleagues.